
Saturday, July 08, 2006


Every week, sometimes every day, I hear new ways in which the GOP butcher the language to negatively attack their opponents for their own gain. (Just the pure nastiness of it is evil.)

Everytime I hear something new, I will be sure to share it.

On the flip side, the boy king has been doing a good job lately of coming up with some really funny nutso comments, like his comment that he's "the decider." Everyone picked up on that one, but some of the other good ones have been missed.

For example, at one of his "townhall" (read: Bush fan club) events a couple of months ago, he called himself "educator-in-chief". If that wasn't funny enough, it happened to be the same week the "chief's" mother was revealed to give her Katrina contributions to her son Neil's educational software company, funded in part by the United Arab Emirates, no less, of the misguided ports problem of earlier this year.

As I remember more, or as he comes up with more, I'll share. It's always good for a laugh, and we can use as much laughter as possible these days.

Finally, thinking about socialism got me thinking about Latin America. At the risk of sounding like Greg Palast, I will do an entry soon on the demonization of Hugo Chavez as that nasty commie. Just remember this in the meantime. The man has his finger on the wellspout of the most oil in the western hemisphere and he refuses to be a lapdog to the U.S. oil companies. So if you think that's not prime fodder for conspiracy, you didn't learn anything from my last post. (And yes, I personally think Chavez is a bit of a blowhard. But he's no Saddam Hussein - nor a George Bush - and he is actually governing in a way that helps to reduce the divide between rich and poor in his country. Regardless, the Constitution forbids us from intervening with armed forces into the business of other nations. So anytime we demonize, you can bet someone is just trying to make an excuse to steal someone else's resources.)

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