
Saturday, July 22, 2006

Not that I have any illusions... 

...that anyone actually reads this blog, but in the event you happen upon it, assuming you do because you are also a Progressive, you might find the following blogs of interest. Consider it reading material to tide you over until I get over my next outrage enough to be able to articulate my thoughts and post again. HA!

First, please check out the links at right. BTW, TruthOut is doing its annual fund-raising drive. If you can help them, they are worth every penny.

Now here are some other blogs that will eventually be added to the list at right. Anyone can read HuffPost or Daily Kos (and I usually do), but these each have their own angle that makes them special. IMHO.

911 Families for Truth, aka the 911 Truth Movement - Yes, we're still plugging away. Still too many unanswered questions.

Booman Tribune - Funny and smart - often getting details on the stories you only hear in the DemocracyNOW headlines.

Empire Burlesque, High Crimes and Low Comedy in the Bush Imperium - Chris Floyd's title says it all.

The Wayne Madsen Report - Among the best of the conspiracy trackers. Knows DC inside-out (and because I grew up in a once-powerful DC family, and did a little Hill work myself, I can appreciate the real deal), and doesn't trade in hypothesis, just facts he's collected from reliable sources. His July 7/8 Special Report on the Bush connection to neo-Nazis was right on the money. My family used to have some of those connections too, until my parents wised up, moved the hell away, and started atoning by working for the Civil Rights Movement! (And, yes, I knew GWB back when he was still a nasty schoolyard bully.)

Highly recommended, from a fellow DC-insider. (Well, former insider, I moved away myself when GWB was installed, because I knew bad shit was on the horizon - all the insiders knew it was coming if he was elected - or whatever you call it. Some chose to stay and battle it out inside the Beltway, but I was burned out and disabled, so chose the route of discretion and valor and all that crap. Regardless of where we live, however, we're all pretty pissed that we were right.)

Shakespeare's Sister - My favorite blog summarizing the blogs. And funny as hell. Check out "Caption This Picture." (Where they find this stuff....) Bound to lighten your day. Hey, if it can lighten mine, it can lighten yours. I'm disabled. Nyah.

The Carpetbagger Report - Don't read Howard Kurtz's Media Notes at the Post before you check out Carpetbagger. Chances are the stories and links here will have Howard beat by several lengths.

Barbara's Blog - The tagline tags it, Barbara Ehrenreich comments on working in America. She's almost as funny as Molly Ivins, and she's nailed the economic issues that divide us.

ThinkProgress - Last but not least, the Progessive Wonk blog. If you're a policy wonk like me, you'll appreciate the wonkiness of this blog.

As I find more good ones, I'll be sure to list them. Signing off for now.

P.S. I forgot to mention that today I am listening to RobinElla.

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