
Friday, July 07, 2006

Just Another Brick in the Wall 

I've been so PO'd so much in recent weeks, I couldn't listen to music and write at the same time. Hell, writing has been hard enough, hence the scattershot posts. However, I do have the buds in today, and I'm listening to:

Carey Ott, Lucid Dream (Good folk-rock for those of us who like the Joshs, Josh Ritter and Josh Rouse, or any of their influences going back to Dylan and Cohen.)

Now onto the big story of the day:

Hate Groups Are Infiltrating the Military, Group Asserts

That group would be the Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization whose credibility deserves our immediate attention.

Not that many of us are surprised by this. First off, we knew that recruiting standards had gone to hell in a handbasket (hence Stephen "antisocial disorder discharge" Green). But there's a deeper, darker force at work here, as well.

My dad was in Naval Intelligence (worked right at the WH for JFK and LBJ, for better or for worse), and knew (and hated) the Cheney-Rummy-Bush Sr. cabal and the schemes it was cooking up back in the 60s. (Gotta love Project PAPERCLIP and Prescott Bush.) 2001, war on terror, destroying the global economy, detentions, torture, all in the cards. If they got the power, they were rarin' to go.

See, these guys consolidate their secrecy by belonging to little secret clubs. It's not nearly as organized as the modern Illuminati (although that does really exist and anyone familiar with it, including a couple of ex-cult friends of mine, also saw the writing on the wall), but it does have its tentacles in the Illuminati, the Rosicrucians, and, of course, S&B. It also has a hellava grapevine and Dad tapped in. After OK City, he became obsessed with these "homegrown" groups, because he thought it would be these groups that would be bankrolled to attack in 2001. (He had been out of the biz for some years by this time, which is a long story for another day.)

If Dad had lived a little longer to see the effect of the Iraqi sanctions, he might've rethought his position. It's not that he didn't know that the oil connection was important (he was also obsessed with our problems with Iran, dating back to the 54 coup), he just thought since Saddam had been contained, these guys would get their henchmen and do their war profiteering elsewhere. (When he died, Osama-baby was still doing real terrorist sh*t overseas, so I don't think Osama figured into his equation: A real terrorist vs. people in power in this country creating terrorism as a pretext.)

Nevertheless, the participation of these groups fits very nicely into the plans the PNAC gang have had in mind for 50 years, long before they had a think tank, let alone any names for it. And the hell of it is that there are a lot of us out here who knew this was all going to happen, from some kind of attack in 2001, lying us into an unnecessary Orwellian perpetual war, destroying the economy, perpetrating all these human rights abuses (which, I'm sorry to say have only just begun if we don't get rid of these guys) and destoying the Constitution.

One my favorite blogs, Shakespeare's Sister, has her usual excellent take on the issue. Her perspective is always worth a read:

A Few Bad Apples

I would diverge from her opinion only in her closing comment:

"The Defense Department isn’t commenting, saying they haven’t yet seen the Southern Poverty Law Center’s report. Let’s hope someone over there gets off his ass and makes it a point to nip this shit in its ugly bud. I’m talking to you, Rummy."

I wouldn't hold my breath on the Cheney-Rummy cabal to do anything about this - they were hoping it would happen. Perhaps even encouraging it.

This is ringing 'round the blogosphere big time, and also hit Democracy Now, which is a good thing, because the only bud-nipping to be done will have to be done by us.

Update 7/8/06

Wayne Madsen is one of the most dedicated researchers on the web, and he has done an amazing Special Report (dated 7/7-8/06) on his homepage that addresses everything I discussed above in detail and with proper research and citations. I encourage you to visit his site if you are interested or concerned about this issue. I have learned a lot from Wayne, and that's saying something considering I'm an intelligence brat.

Hey, what can I say? Dad had to wait 25 years to tell any of us about most of his assignments. Fortunately we heard about his work with JFK's Cuba Rappaproachment policy in 63 before Dad passed on in 98. (Which was a relief because he kept telling us these little tidbits out of context all our lives because he just couldn't resist, but we just thought he was making stuff up. It finally made sense when we heard the whole story.)

It is people like Wayne Madsen and the resources he has provided over the years that allowed me to validate Dad's stories.

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