
Sunday, June 18, 2006

Vote Confirmed by Deputies 

Music I'm listening to right now: The Twilight Singers, Powder Burns (And yes, it IS as good as Denis Leary says it is, but then I've loved Greg Dulli since the Afghan Whigs.)

It's not on the Convention website yet, but word just came across the wire that The House of Deputies has confirmed The Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts Schori by a significant majority. Out of 216 Lay and Clerical Deputations, only 28 either voted no or were divided.

The Episcopal Church of the U.S. has its first woman Presiding Bishop.

And to think that it was only 16 years ago that our first woman Diocesan Bishop, Barbara Harris, was almost kept out of the Lambeth Conference. (The Anglican Bishop's Conference hosted by the Archbishop of Canterbury.)

We HAVE come a long way, baby.

Congratulations Bishop Schori.

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