
Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Troops Home Fast 

Code Pink is sponsoring a Hunger Strike called Troops Home Fast.

  • Here's a Press Release.

  • It fittingly begins on July 4. It is a rolling fast that continues through Sept. 21, International Peace Day. Because it is a rolling fast, you can participate as little or as much as you want. You can just fast on July 4, or you can fast all the way through, or something in between. Water or Juice Fasts are recommended.

    I have some health issues, so I signed up to fast one day per week, and I'll probably do a juice fast. I do it for medical procedures more often than I'd like, so why not choose to do it this time for a good cause?

    When I think about what the troops (and Iraqis) must be going through, me taking a break from eating one measly day per week does not seem like a big deal. As the site says, they've put their bodies on the line. We should show them that we are standing with them by putting our bodies on the line, too, albeit in a much smaller way.

    The fast also coincides with the current debate about establishing an exit strategy. Wouldn't it be great if the fast helps encourage Congress to pin down a strategy? Just think about it for a second: Election Year. Dozens of your voters are calling in saying they are fasting until there is an exit strategy. You'd be a pretty sad excuse for a politician if you didn't pay attention to THAT. (Unfortunately we have too many of those.)

    If you do participate, and you don't have a sad excuse for a Congressional Delegation, be sure to CALL or FAX to tell them you are fasting. Email is okay if it's not urgent, but if it's something you really want to make sure they know, speak to a staffer or send a Fax marked "URGENT."

    And, of course, tell your friends. The more who participate, the greater the support.

    Good luck! Feel free to leave comments.

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