
Sunday, June 18, 2006

  • 26th Presiding Bishop elected by House of Bishops

    Music I'm listening to right now: Josh Rouse, Under Cold Blue Stars

    As a cradle to grave Anglican, a certified sacristy rat, I've been following the current triennial General Convention of the Episcopal Church closely. After nine years, Presiding Bishop Frank Griswold (who has been popular and successful at keeping the church together in spite of grumblings of schism) has to step down. So one of the main orders of business is electing a new Presiding Bishop.

    The first step in the process is complete, now we await the resolution from the House of Deputies.

    I didn't really hope my personal pick could win, but it appears she could indeed. Not only is it time for more mainstream American institutions such as the Episcopal Church of the U.S. to have women leaders, but she's dedicated to many of the same spiritual goals I feel are important to the life of the church, mission and social justice. She has her progressive cred, serving on the board of the Church Divinity School of the Pacific (one of three progressive Episcopal seminaries), but she's been a popular bishop in a very conservative diocese. Which means that she just might have what it takes to continue to hold the church together during a difficult transition time.

    An interview and some biographical info:

  • First Female Nominee: Jefferts Schori ponders piloting the church through conflict resolution

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